Mobile Game Distribution

Generate additional revenue on Mobile: Alternative channels and game re-launch

The Service


Hundreds of distribution stores exist for mobile games, including carriers’ subscription services, alternative stores from phone makers, or custom Android platforms operating on planes or cars.
Mobile games could also be ported to HTML5 to reach additional distribution channels.

Our Mission

Store Rider provides an all-in-one service to distribute Android games, removed from sale or not, on the rights channels and manage every aspects: Custom Development, Marketing, Release Management, Business Development, QA, Technical Support, Payments.

Mobile Game Distribution - Go to market

Go to market

We assess the most suitable channels based on the specificities of your game and provide a detailed plan accordingly.

Mobile Game Distribution - Custom Build

Custom builds

We can work from your source code to manage any custom versions for each channel, including SDK integrations or specific optimisations.

Mobile Game Distribution - Release Management

Release Management

We manage the release of your games on each channel, including the management of optimized marketing assets and negotiate featuring.

Mobile Game Distribution - Reporting and update

Reporting and update

We provide quarterly sales reports and share royalties without any deduction of our costs. We manage updates and customer support.

Portfolio Selection

There is No Games - Mobile Game Distribution

There Is No Games

Out There: Ω Edition

Mystery Valley - Mobile Game Distribution

Mystery Valley


True Fear - Mobile Game Distribution

True Fear

Double Dragon Trilogy

HTML5 (new)

StoreRider recently launch mobile games converted in HTML5 on web portals. You can play Gangster Island and Vikings on CrazyGames !

Mobile Game Distribution - Professional
Mobile Game Distribution - Business Value

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